The Readers Cup competition will be taking place in 2021 as a KAHOOT! virtual competition with an option for schools to complete it over the week of 10 May. Registration for the event has now closed. If you have already registered, please see additional details below.
Key Dates
- 10 to 14 May: KAHOOT! Competition (done in each school)
- 17 May: Readers Cup Live Zoom Event (3:30pm to 5:30pm)
- 2020-2021 Red Dot winners announced
- 2021-2022 Red Dot shortlists announced
- Readers Cup KAHOOT! competition winners announced
- Virtual author visits with three different Red Dot authors
Key Details
- Registration: FREE to students in ISLN member schools
- Teams should have a maximum of 6 students; if a school cannot field a team, they can enter an individual
- Each school can enter up to four teams in each category (when we return to a live event format the numbers will return to two teams per category)
- The competition categories are:
- Younger Readers – Years 3 to 5 / Grades 2 to 4
- Older Readers – Years 5 to 8 / Grades 4 to 7
- Mature Readers – Years 8+ / Grades 7+
- The questions will be on Kahoot!
- Younger: 10 questions per book (all eight shortlisted books)
- Older: 10 questions per book (all eight shortlisted books)
- Mature: 15 questions per book (four books only: The 57 Bus, The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling, Aurora Rising, and Patron Saints of Nothing)
- See links to the practice KAHOOTS! above
- The actual ceremony and virtual author talks will be open to all participating teams
- Members of the winning team in each category will each receive a medal and a $25 Kinokuniya voucher as well the prize cup for the school for one year
- Members of the second place team in each category will each receive a $20 Kinokuniya voucher
- Members of the third place team in each category will each receive a $15 Kinokuniya voucher